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Showing 155 organisations
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Germany Lower Saxony

Scottish Culture Club Peine e.V.

We are enthusiastic about the whole way of life around Scottish traditions and want to bring the special features, music, literature and beauty of Scotland to as many people as possible in our region.

Germany North Rhine-Westphalia

Scottish Cultureclub Lower Rhine Area e.V.

Founded by members of the German Lowland Pipes, Drums Xanten and ex-members of the RAF Germany Voluntary Pipe band. Our goal is to preserve Scottish culture in the area. Events include our Scottish festival and Games, Burns Supper and whisky tasting.

Italy Countrywide

Scottish Highland Society of Italy

The point of reference in Italy for all things Scottish. We organise events all over the Italian peninsula, islands included: Ceilidhs, Burns Suppers, Highland games, St Andrew's Balls, Hogmanay celebrations, whisky tastings, folk concerts and more.

USA Indiana

Scottish Society of Greater Bloomington

The Scottish Society of Greater Bloomington was founded to provide individuals in south-central Indiana of Scottish ancestry or interest the opportunity to experience and participate in activities that celebrate Scottish culture and history.

USA Nebraska

Scottish Society of Nebraska

We are a statewide organization that welcomes all - those with Scottish ancestry, those who have a love of Scotland, or those that just want to learn a little more about the country. Our primary objective is to preserve, nurture, and promote the culture.

USA Illinois

Scottish Universities Alumni of Chicago

The Scottish Universities Alumni of Chicago is a community that unites Chicagoland residents who share the common experience of having lived and studied in Scotland.

Singapore Countrywide

SingASoc - University of Dundee

University of Dundee Alumni Chapter in Singapore

France Countrywide

Société Française d’Etudes Ecossaises (SFEE)

The SFEE is an academic society which aims to promote research into Scottish topics in French universities and to support new projects on Scotland in France and more widely in Europe.

Brazil Southeast Brazil

St Andrew Society of São Paulo

Founded in 1924, the Society supports and promotes Scottish traditions, culture and heritage in São Paulo. We host events throughout the year including golf tournaments, a Scottish Country Dancing Club, a Burns Supper, as well as the Caledonian Ball.

Korea (Republic of)
Korea (Republic of) Seoul

St Andrew’s Society of Seoul

Bringing Scots, Koreans and other nationals living in Korea together to share and celebrate Scottish culture. Hosting three events a year: a St Andrew's Ball, Burns Night and a ceilidh. All welcome.