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The school system
Education is important in Scotland and we are known for the quality of our teaching. All children have the right to a free place at school. There are also schemes to help with the costs of childcare.
The school system in Scotland has three stages:
- Early learning and childcare
- Primary school
- Secondary school - also known as high school
Curriculum for Excellence
The Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) is the national curriculum used from early learning to secondary school. The CfE helps children and young people get the knowledge and skills needed for life. It aims to build four skills in all young people:
- Successful learners
- Confident individuals
- Responsible citizens
- Effective contributors
Find out more about the curriculum for excellence (gov.scot)
Early learning and childcare
There are different types of early learning and childcare services for babies and children. For example, private nurseries, childminders and funded school nurseries.
Children can go to public nursery schools in Scotland from the age of three. Private nurseries will accept children under the age of three.
All children aged three and four can get free part-time early learning and childcare.
You can access up to 1140 hours of funded early learning and childcare (ELC) a year if your child is three or four years old. This is around 30 hours a week in term time or around 22 hours a week if you use it year-round. Some two-year-olds are also eligible.
If you have to pay for extra childcare, the cost will depend on your area and what type of childcare you choose.
Find out more about early learning and childcare (citizensadvice.org.uk)
Find out about accessing and paying for childcare (parentclub.scot)
Primary and secondary school
All children living in Scotland can get free public education.
The school year starts in August. Children normally start primary school when they are four and a half or five years old. Children normally start secondary school when they are 11 and a half or 12 years old.
Children will normally attend primary school for seven years. They’ll go to secondary school for up to six years.
The child’s age will normally determine what year in school they’ll be in. Speak to your child’s school if you’re not sure what year they’ll be in.
Learn how to choose a school for your child (citizensadvice.org.uk)
Catchment areas
The area where your home is located normally decides which school your child can go to. A school catchment area is the area around a school that determines which students can attend that school. If you live within a particular school's catchment area, your child is normally guaranteed a place at that school.
Find out more about school catchment areas (mygov.scot)
Private and boarding schools
In Scotland there are private and boarding schools. They are also known as independent schools. A private school is a school that is not funded by the government. These schools cover all stages of education, from nursery to secondary school. You normally pay fees to go to a private or boarding school. Scholarships are sometimes available.
Private schools sometimes offer boarding. This is where the students live on the campus.
You can find private schools by checking the register of private schools in Scotland (gov.scot)
Language support for children
There are English as an additional Language (EAL) teams in each local council. They help children and young people whose first language is not English. The support is for children aged two to 18 years old.
Learn more about English as an additional language (education.gov.scot)
Additional support needs
There are many reasons why children may need support to help them learn.
Find out more about education for children with additional support needs (education.gov.scot)
Get advice about additional support for learning (enquire.org.uk)
Parenting help
Parent Club provides information and advice about parenting (parentclub.scot)

The content on this page is provided by Citizens Advice Scotland.
Header image photo credit: VisitScotland / Luigi Di Pasquale