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Showing 157 organisations
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Italy Countrywide

Royal Highland Company Pipes & Drums

The Royal Highland Company Pipes & Drums is a Scottish pipe band in Italy, founded in 2012 by pipe major Nick MacVicar. The Royal Highland Company performs at fairs, historical re-enactments, Celtic festivals, weddings and memorials all over Italy.

Canada Alberta

Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Calgary Branch

The Royal Scottish Country Dancing Calgary Branch offers a range of classes and events to suit all levels from new dancers to the advanced. A full list of classes can be found on our website. We can provide a local piper.

USA California

Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, Orange County Branch

The Orange County Branch offers a range of classes and events to suit all levels from new dancers to the advanced. A full list of classes can be found on our website.

France Ile de France

RSCDC Paris Branch

The Royal Scottish Country Dancing Society Paris Branch offers a range of classes and events to suit all levels from new dancers to the advanced. A full list of classes can be found on our website.

Canada Newfoundland and Labrador

RSCDS St. John’s (Newfoundland) Branch

The St. John’s (Newfoundland) RSCDS Branch currently offers a Scottish Country social dance class on Monday evenings, which aims to accommodate all levels from new dancers to the advanced.

Australia South Australia

RSCDS Adelaide & Districts Branch

Adelaide and Districts Branch offers classes and events to suit all levels from new dancers to advanced - see our website. We can also provide dancers and musicians for events and special occasions.

USA Michigan

RSCDS Detroit Branch

The Detroit Branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society provides opportunities to learn, practice, and dance the jigs, reels, and strathspeys of Scottish country dancing.

USA Hawaii

RSCDS Hawaii Branch

We are a branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society offering classes in Scottish Country Dancing and performing demonstrations at cultural events.

USA Texas

RSCDS Houston & District Branch

We are a branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. We dance in Houston, San Antonio, Austin, and Fort Worth. We welcome dancers of any skill level.

Canada Ontario

RSCDS Kitchener Waterloo Branch

We are a branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, and hold classes September to April for beginners and experienced social dancers.