I was a normal student. I was 16 years old when the war started in Syria. I had to leave looking for a safe place to live. They told us about an opportunity to go to Scotland. I was afraid because it's a new country; afraid of the language, but the communities in Inverurie were really friendly with us. They went with us for shopping, they taught us how we can get trains, buses - so I was really happy.
We started the AMAL project, and it's a project to help Syrian youth Scots to integrate, because we feel we are a part of this society now and we have to help to improve it. I came to Scotland with my dad and my mum and one sister, two brothers, and I have a new nephew born in Scotland. When we have more families come to Scotland, we help them with everything they need, because we have the experience to help them now.
I've been helping with local communities, not just our project, and after a few months, someone nominated me for the Young Scot Community Award. It meant a lot to me, because it was something to remind me that I am one of the society now and I am really proud to call myself a Scottish young person.