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Showing 155 organisations
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St Andrews Foundation Poland

Fundraising organisation supporting Polish and Ukrainian children’s charities and promoting Polish-Scottish cultural connections. Our main fundraising event is the St Andrews Caledonian Charity Ball Held every year around St Andrew’s Night.

USA Washington Idaho

St Andrews Society of the Inland Northwest

The Society promotes Scottish culture of all types, with affiliates in the region: Angus Scott Pipe Band, Lake City Highland Dancers, Spokane country dance, Spokane highland games. The society hosts a Burns Night dinner and National Tartan Day event.

USA Florida

St. Andrew Society of Tallahassee

The St. Andrew Society of Tallahassee is a charitable organisation dedicated to preserving and promoting Scottish heritage and culture through its history, literature, folklore, customs, traditions, music, dance, dress and more. Membership is open to all.

Portugal Lisbon

St. Andrew’s Society of Lisbon

The St Andrew's Society of Lisbon was founded in the 1930s to promote, maintain and extend interest in Scotland and Scottish culture and heritage.

USA Pennsylvania

St. Andrew’s Society of Pittsburgh

The St. Andrew’s Society of Pittsburgh was established in 1990 to preserve and promote Scottish heritage and traditions in the Greater Pittsburgh Area through educational, philanthropic, and social endeavours.

USA Rhode Island

St. Andrew’s Society of Rhode Island

SASRI aims to provide educational opportunities for its membership and the general public to participate in programs designed to foster and develop a better understanding of the history, culture and traditions of Scotland.

Canada Manitoba

St. Andrew’s Society of Winnipeg

The St Andrew's Society of Winnipeg supports and promotes Scottish culture and heritage in Manitoba.

USA Hawaii

The Caledonian Society of Hawaii

We are a non-profit educational and cultural organization.

Norway Countrywide

The Caledonian Society of Norway

The Caledonian Society of Norway was founded in 1946 and is fondly known as "The Cally". Meeting on a monthly basis from September to April in Oslo. The society seeks to promote the cultural relationship between Norway and Scotland.


The Glasgow School of Art (GSA) China Office

The organization mainly provides information inquiry, service appointment, feedback and exchange related to the study abroad education services of the Glasgow School of Art.